20 Jul 2014

10 sexual things you have to try before you die

We’ve all seen people posting
their lame bucket lists on Facebook
before: Go to China, swim with some
hippie dolphin, bore my friends
But how many of us have a sexual
bucket list? The Stir has some
interesting suggestions to get yours

1. Have phone sex. We suggest you
try it with those annoying call centre
employees trying to sell you
insurance. If they’re nearly as eager
to please as they are to annoy...
2. Spanking your lover or getting
spanked. Nothing wrong with a little
tough love. Leave a five fingered
signature on your lover's butt.
3. Sex standing against a wall. Let
the wall spank your lover’s butt this
time around.
4. A quickie in a skirt. Yes, thanks.
5. Silent sex in a full house. Visiting
the in-laws? Keep it down (but get it
up, my sorry friend).
6. Sex with no kissing. Who has time
for formalities when you need to get a
job done?
7. Tie someone up. If they’re cool
with it, obviously.
8. Sex in a car. This can be tricky,
especially while parallel parking an
18-wheeler, but try it.
9. Sex in a foreign country – with a
foreigner. Why stick to those saltless
dullards parading your
neighbourhood when you can bring
the flavour? Which brings us to our
final point...
10. Married sex. The best kind. This
is where you really get to know the,
uhm, ins and outs of your partner’s

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